
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Web Design Project

  • To be completed between Wednesday, Feb. 19 and Tuesday Feb. 24.
  • Grade will be equal to two (2) projects grades.
  • Start by creating a new site (see video) - create it in Dreamweaver and on a flash external drive (do this for security purposes).
  • The site should be in its own folder with an image folder for site photos and graphics
  • Create a layout (storyboard) in Fireworks with actual dimensions, fonts and colors
  • Find photos and graphics using Wikipedia and/or advanced search for permissible images - prepare images in Fireworks at the proper size for use in Dreamweaver
  • Use Wikipedia for text content, but make sure you read the content and put it on your web pages in a way that makes sense to the "intent" of your web site.
  • Create a banner in Flash for use on your website.
  • Create your site once you have submitted your storyboard.. finished work (web pages) should match your proposed storyboard unless an updated storyboard has been submitted
  • Your site should contain at least 4 pages
  • Each page should be identical except for text and photo content
  • The photos should enhance the content and add to the overall appeal of your site
  • Provide working links on each page plus a link to the Wikipedia content you are featuring - you may use text links or buttons created using CSS hover rules or they can be done in Fireworks (see video here)
  • Each page should have a minimum of 500 words (check your word count HERE) and two images (again, make sure the images enhance the content of your text).
  • At least one page should have a flash animation showing pictures relevant to your web site using a slide show format (first video is HERE)
  • Use a CSS ID for Main Content so that text and images have some space (padding) around them, making the text more readable
Here are some acceptable topics:
  1. History of Ford Motors
  2. Coffee - then and now
  3. Basketball - it started with a peach basket
  4. Guitars - Fender or Gibson

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Create a Simple and Basic Flash Animation for a Web Page Banner

Flash Animation For Total Noobs

This is a very simple tutorial for setting up a Web page banner in Flash.

There are 3 steps involved. The first is creating the initial Flash file, setting the document size for the banner, and adding a background graphic with a simple fade-in animation.

Part 2 is adding some animated text with a Flash Pre-set animation tween.

Part 3 involves adding a stop action at the end of the animation so the animation does not loop endlessly.
Start Here
Part 2
Part 3 Here is the juicy part about how to get your new flash animation on your web page.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Simple Flash Animation

Part 1 - Getting Started  

Part 2 - Animating Movie Clip Symbols  

Part 3 - More Movie Clip Animation  

Part 4 - Text Animation

Monday, November 5, 2012

Web Design - Nov 6

Here is the web page for your resources -

You may feel free to copy and use the photos and text from this web page for your assignment. However, remember that copying is illegal unless you have permission from the author to do it.

Create a NEW website using your Flash drive to save all your info. The files on your Flash drive will be graded, NOT the files on your computer.

Use this layout for your web page:

Body: use CSS to change the body tag to have a background of black

#HoneyHeader: Copy the image for #HoneyHeader and include it as a background using CSS. Make sure the CSS rule is the correct height for your image.

#mainContent:  create a CSS rule that has a background color of light green. Also include padding on the left side - enough to push the text away from the left border

In the mainContent area, include text and headers through “How Old is Honey, Really”. Also include at least 3 photos using a CSS rule for #mainContent img with these attributes: image border, margin to keep text 10 pixels away, and align right.

#leftSidebar: Use at least 5 links in the leftsidebar. Add rules to change the text to be Comic Sans, and add padding to the left side of 25px, with a background of light blue.

Classes: add at least two classes for text:
  1. Add a class for underlined text and use it on all subheadings
  2. Add a class for text with a yellow background (like highlighting) and add it to the second paragraph of the article. 

Beginning Beekeepers Love Honey Bees

Honey in one of the oldest foods in existence. It has been used throughout history, not only as a food, but as a natural remedy for many ailments and a beauty treatment.
It has been called by many names, including Liquid Gold, the Golden Elixir and the Nectar of the Gods. It’s value has held up for hundreds and thousands of years.
In the Bible, the land of Israel was called the “Land of Milk and Honey” (it is also referred to as the Promised Land… hmmm).

There must be something very significant in milk and honey. By the way, the Israelites did not drink cow’s milk; it was either sheep or goat milk.
Think about the nutritional value in comparing honey and sugar. While both are considered sweeteners, honey is heralded for its amazing goodness while sugar is blamed for many of the problems in our “advanced” culture.

Just think about it. While the purpose of this article is not to give you a scientific analysis of the differences between sugar and honey, you must know that there are major harmful effects of consuming too much sugar. My conclusion is that honey is a food with extremely high nutritional value. Now, does that mean we abandon Starbucks in favor of milk and honey? Probably not, but as you consider your diet you might think about cutting back on the amount of sugar in favor of more natural honey.
And, you may even go so far as to start your own small business or hobby, raising honeybees, or beekeeping. It can be quite rewarding, both nutritionally and possibly even monetarily. Beginning beekeepers are always surprised and excited about the fruits of their labor (the bees’ labor, actually).

How Old is Honey… Really

There has been a recent discovery of a resin chip with some perfectly preserved bees. Carbon dating puts the age at over 100 Million years. It is also know the primitive people as far back as 9000 years ago (7000 BCE) collected honey for food.
And of course, as already mentioned, the Bible as a historical record touts honey as a very valuable substance, worthy of relocating a whole people group in order to have access to it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Evaluating Web Pages

Web Site Evaluations
You will be looking at and evaluating Websites. You are looking for good and bad design.


While designing a web site it is crucial that the site is attractive, fast-loading, user friendly, focuses on your content and has a high stickiness factor to it (that shows how long the visitor stays on your site). Instead of making very complex designs with less content or bare designs with cluttered content, we recommend that you find the right balance between both.
Read the content on this web page for design tips (keep it available so that you can refer back to it as you look at different websites): Your comments about the web pages you research should reflect the concepts and ideas presented by this web designer.

Now read the content here:
This web site is based on concepts for presenting good information to your web page visitors.

Now We Begin

OK, you are ready to start evaluating. Below is a list of links to web pages that were recognized for their design, whether good or bad.


What To Do

  • After viewing each individual page, copy the page by using the “print screen” button on your keyboard, then paste the image of the web page into a Fireworks document and erase or crop off the excess part of the image (you don't need the menu bar or your computer background). 

  • Next, put your screen shots into a PowerPoint presentation and describe the good and/or bad points about the web page. DON'T be vague, like "the page is boring." DO BE specific, like "the page does not tell what the company is about," or "the page does a good job of allowing the viewer to find the information they are hunting for by providing useful navigation links." If there is more than one good or bad feature, list them all. 

  • Make a separate slide (you may have more than one slide for a site) for each web page.  

  • Save your PowerPoint on your computer and then save it onto your Flash Drive.