Who Will You Serve?
Your mission is to find a client - a person or organization that needs your help.
The main goal is to create a web site where there is no web site or the existing web site needs a renovation.
You may have a parent or relative that qualifies. If so, ask.
Others are out there that don't even know they need your help. Find one.
Here are a few examples:
The main goal is to create a web site where there is no web site or the existing web site needs a renovation.
You may have a parent or relative that qualifies. If so, ask.
Others are out there that don't even know they need your help. Find one.
Here are a few examples:
- Southlands HOA
- Roswell UMC
- Roswell Photographic Society
- Local clubs
- Local churches
- Local Home Owners Associations
Once you have a prospect, copy the 5 items below into a Word Document and fill it out. Submit is to wdrasku@comcast.net.
Profile of the Client’s Company or Organization:
1. Company or organization name:
2. Products or services performed:
3. URL (if client already has a site):
4. Client’s mission statement (brief paragraph summarizing their mission, i.e., what they do and for whom and why):
5. Client's goals in having a website:
Any questions? Submit them through the Comments at the bottom of this page.
Any questions? Submit them through the Comments at the bottom of this page.
Day 2
Complete the "customer profile" for visitors to your site. This will help you with design decisions as you work on creating a series of web pages that are attractive and interesting to your visitors.
Age of probable
visitors to your site
12 and under
13 – 18
19 – 29
30 – 59
60 – older
How would you
characterize the level of education that the average customer has attained?
Check as many as apply.
· Attending high school
· High school graduate
· Received vocational or technical certification
· B.A. or B.S.
· Masters degree
· PhD
What expectations
will they have before they arrive at your site? In other words, what do they
hope to find at your site?
What types of
gimmicks (give-a-ways, games, galleries, etc) would attract this person?
Email your work to wdrasku@comcast.net
Day 3
Begin to prepare for an appointment with your new client by doing the following:
- design (or redesign) the logo
- Decide on a color scheme for the web site
- Create a mock-up of the home page in Fireworks
When you are confident that you can present your strategy and a visually pleasing home page, email for an appointment - wdrasku@comcast.net.