
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Web Site Development - Assignment For Monday


The purpose of this lesson is to review what makes a high-quality website. With a partner, you will talk about these questions (then record your answers in a Word document):
  • Why do you feel that some websites are good?
  • Why do you feel that some websites are not so good?
  • Ask at least two other groups if they agree with your opinion?
  • If they disagree, what do they disagree with compared to your group observation?
  • Who is the target audience for a particular site?
  • How might website quality be judged differently across different audiences?
  • Are there some qualities of websites that all audiences would agree are good? What are these qualities?
For many, it is the common practice to plunge in and start right away creating and developing web pages. However, since the goal for this project is for you to develop a high-quality website, we first will spend some time re-exploring our understanding of what "quality" means. This is important because if websites aren't developed with quality in mind, visitors might be unable to find the content or features they're looking for, or they might be unable to access or use these features.  

Users don't give websites many chances. If they don't like a site, they may leave quickly and never return. If they like a site, they'll return to it again and again, plus they'll tell others about it.

In addition to understanding website quality, you must spend some time planning a website before you begin to develop its content. Just as there are pre-writing steps that ought to be done prior to writing an essay, there are pre-coding steps to do before you create a website. Planning ahead will reduce the number of mistakes you'll make while constructing the site. In the work world, this will save you time and money.


  1. What is a high-quality website? Grab a partner and discuss the questions presented in the Overview section above.
  2. What do the experts say? Visit the websites listed below in the Resources section. Each of these resources provides someone else's opinions as to what constitutes high-quality websites. Which of these resources do you most agree with? Do you disagree with any of these authors' opinions? Do the winners of Webby Awards have features or characteristics that you don't like? Discuss this with your partner.
  3. Become a web critic. Browse the web looking mainly for Informational websites, not games or entertainment sites. Choose one website that's good and one that's bad.
    • Rate each site from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest).
    • Comment on the site's design. Does the site look good? What is the eye drawn to immediately?
    • Comment on the site's content. What seems to be the main purpose of the site? Is the purpose clear?
    • Comment on the site's noteworthy features. How do the features enhance the site's main purpose?
Create a table for your notes which looks something like this:
Name of Website URL Explain Design Pros/Cons Explain Purpose Rating
Good site
Bad site


Complete The Assignment

Email your document to Make sure you include the names of those working together.

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