
Monday, October 14, 2013

Oct. 15 - Web Design Assignment

Please find instructions below for creating a 3-page web site. The assignment is due on Friday (completed before Friday).
  1. Create a new folder called 'Oct15'
  2. Open a new Dreamweaver document and save it into your new Oct15 folder with a file name of Beekeeping Home
  3. Add the content for page 1 (see below the picture of the home page)
  4. Create a div for the #maincontent that is 930px wide, centered (use margin:auto), and a light yellow background
  5. Find a photo (Wikipedia ??) for the banner - photo should bee related to honey or bees
  6. Place the photo as a background image in the #topbanner div (no more than 100px high)
  7. Use an H1 heading in the top banner with the name of your web site (you make up the name - it must bee related to bees)
  8. Create a #sidebar div that is 150px wide for the links on the left side
  9. Create a #rightside div for the text content - margin-left should be 180px
  10. Find a photo for the main text and insert it into the #rightside using 'align right' (there are some excellent photos at Wikipedia.. here)
  11. Create the other 2 pages and link the pages together using the links on the left sidebar
  12. There are some photos at the bottom of this page you may use, or you may find your own using the advanced search in Google, looking for images that the author has allowed you to use.
Here is an example of what the Home page might look like.
Text for Home Page:

Beginning Beekeepers Love Honey Bees

Honey in one of the oldest foods in existence. It has been used throughout history, not only as a food, but as a natural remedy for many ailments and a beauty treatment.

It has been called by many names, including Liquid Gold, the Golden Elixir and the Nectar of the Gods. It’s value has held up for hundreds and thousands of years.

In the Bible, the land of Israel was called the “Land of Milk and Honey” (it is also referred to as the Promised Land… hmmm).

There must be something very significant in milk and honey. By the way, the Israelites did not drink cow’s milk; it was either sheep or goat milk.

Think about the nutritional value in comparing honey and sugar. While both are considered sweeteners, honey is heralded for its amazing goodness while sugar is blamed for many of the problems in our “advanced” culture.

Just think about it. While the purpose of this article is not to give you a scientific analysis of the differences between sugar and honey, you must know that there are major harmful effects of consuming too much sugar. My conclusion is that honey is a food with extremely high nutritional value. Now, does that mean we abandon Starbucks in favor of milk and honey? Probably not, but as you consider your diet you might think about cutting back on the amount of sugar in favor of more natural honey.

And, you may even go so far as to start your own small business or hobby, raising honeybees, or beekeeping. It can be quite rewarding, both nutritionally and possibly even monetarily. Beginning beekeepers are always surprised and excited about the fruits of their labor (the bees’ labor, actually).

Text for Page 2 (Find Honey):

Source of Nectar

When these take off from the hive, they do just visit one type of flower. However, on the next trip out of the hive, the bee might visit a different type of flower. Therefore, most honey is polyfloral, which means the nectar comes from a variety of different flowers. That being said, if there is a large population of a single flowering plant, most of the nectar will be from that plant.

Beekeepers will move their hives around and place them close to fields where they know a particular type of plant is being grown. In such cases, the honey will be practically monofloral. The honey that is produced from a single type of flower is generally more popular.

There is a third type of honey. Blended honey is produced when several types of honey are mixed together purposefully. Sometimes the different batches of honey are even from different countries. This is done because of the desired color and flavor that results.

Beekeepers Encourage The Gathering Of Honey

A bee colony is a very social place. Bees work together very nicely. Scout bees go out and hunt for desirable nectar and pollen sources. The Scout bees are not the gatherers. When they do return to the hive, they do something called the waggle dance. They move around in a figure 8 pattern on the face of the honeycomb. Somehow, the forager bees know how to get to the source of nectar and pollen because of this dance. There is also an odor associated with the pollen, and because of this odor that these no exactly which type of flower to look for.

Text for Page 3 (Taste Of Honey):

The Color of Honey

Most folks are aware that honey is golden in color. When you hold it up to the light, it is quite beautiful in appearance. But it is not true that all honey is the same color. Some honey is as dark as mahogany, while other honey is so pale that it almost appears white. The variations in color are because of the plant source. However, the color can change during storage over a period of time or during processing. Generally, the paler in color that the honey is the more popular it is. However, those who know will choose the darker colors because of the interesting flavors as well as the high amount of antioxidants in the darker honeys.

The Aroma and Flavor of Honey

As mentioned above, not all honey looks the same, and the same is true about smell and taste. Honey that is gathered around citrus groves has a very pleasing and distinct scent, and the sent intensifies as the honey is warmed. Other honeys have distinct tastes as well. The truth is, there are some who consider themselves connoisseurs of honey, similar to Wine tasters.

As you might imagine, the taste of honey differs just as the aroma differs. Honey that is purchased from small independent beekeepers will have a very distinct flavor depending on where the beekeeper placed his hives. However, commercially produced honey may not always have such a distinct taste, because many times commercial honey is a mixture of honeys that are blended together.

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